Under the azure candid sky

Away from the din of the town

On a hilltop like a cavern's raised tent

Wherefrom Wular expands an open book

And ripples under the white moon

As the quit starry serene night

Is followed by the rising sun behind Harmukh

Captives the Zephyr from Tragbal

The pleasant currents bred from such a heights

Steal the fragrance from surrounding orchards

Fetch the secrets of silence, soul and life

From the altars of saint Shaku-ur-din

Under the patronage of splendorous nature

To be passed on to young minds and sweet hearts

In prophetic exchange of teaching learning

Betwixt the mighty majestic mountains

The enlightenment of thirsty hearts and souls

Goes on and on in a college named after

Historian Hassan - the son of this soil.





    Away from the uproar of the towns, in the lap of nature, between the nursery of  apple orchards, on a Highveld plateau like land, in the outskirts of village Patushai is located  Govt. Degree College Bandipore spanned on an area of 186 kanals. It was 2005, the year when the forlorn wish and search for the institution of higher studies got fulfilled as a dream of generations getting realized when the government announced a co-education institution for the district. The establishment of this institution of higher learning in the town enlightened the prospects of remote and socially underprivileged people of the district who had to either forfeit the dream of higher education as the nearest institution/s where either located in Srinagar or Sopore or to sacrifice the loins share of their bread and butter to get themselves educated. Since then the college has made considerable inroads and progress leaving behind a rich tradition and generation of learners who brought laurels by the remarkable personal feats.  The institution has produced as many as 5000 pass out graduates who hit the deck and came out in flying colours sending abundance of joy, belief and hope to preceding generations of young learners. In its history of half and a decade period, the college alumni includes a great number of scholars, professionals, gold medalists to India's cultural ambassador to United States and the awardees of Padam Shree;  achievements that are themselves an eye opener for anyone interested in the rich profile of the institution.


About Affiliation

    This College is recognized under 12(B) & 2(F) with University Grants Commission (UGC) under UGC Act 1956 and is affiliated to the University of Kashmir. The college is a Multidisciplinary co-education institution and offers courses in language, social science, commerce, science and computer applications. In accordance with New Education Policy 2020, the college introduced Honors in all the available courses from the current academic year 2022-23.


About infrastructure

    The institution has made considerable progress vis-a-vis building up infrastructure and equipping the institution with teaching learning facilities. From the temporary make shift arrangement at the time of its  establishment when the college functioned from N.M Higher Secondary Bandipore, The College as of now,  has two spacious Blocks; the main building also known as Science Block and The Humanities Block. The russet coloured two storied building having as many as twenty one rooms including the laboratories of various departments, the principal chamber to the immediate left of the second main entrance gate, the establishment section exactly parallel to this chamber, the department of zoology just straight ahead from principal chamber gate, just a few paces ahead, on the left is browsing room. The IT section varies immediate left to the main entrance gate, the department of commerce to the right. At the centre is the department of chemistry along a well equipped laboratory. In the mid of a corridor is the upstairs leading to the first floor. The first floor also houses the updated browsing centre in parallel direction to principal chamber.

    The first floor has three lecture halls, an EduSat room in the centre, department of Botany on other side of the corridor, the Department of Computer Application sandwiched between departments of Physics on the extreme corner. Just in opposite direction to physics department is the highly updated college library that remains open for young learners and scholars. Adjacent to the library is the staff room.

    The other building is purely a lecture block popularly known as Arts and Humanities Block. This building is on a raised ground and remains flocked by young learners like bees around the hive. The building has twelve, well furnished halls as class rooms that offer a vintage point to the famous Wular  that changes the shape across seasons like the moon through the month. The building is bisected by the corridor. The rear side faces the bulwark of dark blue mountains carrying on them multifarious vegetation including the majestic alpine forests comprising of pines, the ciders and Cypress. The serenity of these forests opens up the mind’s eye. The breeze born here sweeps through the town and villages of Bandipore after kissing the ever-flowing waters of Madhumatti. These mountains spellbound the human eye in the spring and summer season when the tops and heights are clad with snow like a wide blanket on blue shade. The peak of Harmukh offers fascination and a challenge to human spirit. The sun set is the best time to open up to splendors forms of nature.

    The college has a canteen and other prefabricated huts for sports, NCC and NSS. These huts are part of necessity and to infrastructure and facilities.  The college is without proper auditorium, yet a plethora of co-curricular activities are carried out to explore the inborn capabilities and hidden talent of students.

    The college is yet sans a proper playfield, a sports complex in an age when sports is a way of life and of equal importance to academics. The college, in its prospective plan is looking forward to build a proper sports infrastructure. Despite this underbelly, the college has produced some wonderful players and sportsman ranging from National level champions to a Ranjy level cricketer who made the mark with their commitment and love to sports and games.


A word about NAAC Accreditation

    August 2022 was a landmark month and year for the institution when the college was accredited by prestigious NAAC peer team from Bangalore. The college was assessed for quality parameters and got a B grade with a CGPA of 2.15. This was in recognition to the hard work of a decade long persistence and perseverance, a belief in the fertility of the soil. It was an acknowledgment to the impact of the institution in shaping the educational landscape of the locality, a reward to the student community of Bandipore as well as the challenge to carry forward the torch of enlightenment as well a role as leading institution in the district for students and society. It was an appreciation but at the same time an alarm not to be complacent. To recall Robert Frost:


         The woods are lovely, dark and deep.

         But I have promises to keep,

          And miles to go before I sleep,

         And miles to go before I sleep.





   Prof. (Dr. Masood Ahmad Malik


Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.

 +91-60069 44481
